Who we are

1982 saw the inauguration of this organisation as the Women’s Education Centre (WEC). It was founded by a small group of feminist researchers and activists to highlight the status of women in the country and to publish material, which could be used by women in their struggle for liberation. The broad objectives of WEC were to increase women’s awareness, their resources and opportunities for effective participation in the economic, political and social life of the country. WEC soon became the Women's Education and Research Centre (WERC), thus reflecting the academic research that was also conducted by the organisation. Today, WERC stands strong with a history of over 40 years during which we have touched the lives of countless women, especially through our empowerment projects. As a trilingual organisation, we are happy to have one Sri Lanka's oldest feminist libraries with over 7000 books.

Our Mission

To work towards achieving gender justice through education, research, consciousness raising, capacity building and advocacy by using intersectional feminist approaches.

Our Vision

A gender sensitive equal and equitable society, in which the rights, freedoms, autonomy and aspirations of women are recognized, upheld and realized.

40+ years

Since our journey began



Our Objectives

To disseminate knowledge on gender issues to women and men through research, seminars, workshops, conferences, publications.

To reach out to women of the marginalised sections such as conflict affected women, women workers in the FTZ, plantations, migrant and sex workers with programmes to empower them economically.

To lobby with the state to initiate and implement gender policies based on our interactions with women and our research findings.

To expand the tri-lingual collection of publications and research materials for WERC’s library and reach out to more readers.

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