Nivedini-Journal of Gender Studies Vol. 22 December 2018
Table of Contents 1 Widow’s Intestate Succession Right to Her Husband’s Property: A Comparative Study of Kandyan law and Thesawalamai Law. -Ranjan Anno Helan Menaka 2 Dominant Patriarchal Ideologies in a Hegemonic Framework: Pedagogical Practices of a Sinhala Department - A…

Nivedini-Journal of Gender Studies Vol. 21 December 2016
With the aim of disseminating knowledge to a wider research community, the 20th volume of Nivedini, the Journal of Gender Studies is published online with open-access. By accessing and downloading Nivedini, the open-access journal of Gender Studies, you are indicating your acceptance…

Nivedini- Journal of Gender Studies- Vol. 19 December 2013
Table of Contents 1. Female Stereotypes in Television Advertising: Representations and RepercussionsT. N. K. Meegaswatta 2. Different Moments against Brahmanic Patriarchy: On the Genesis of a Radical HistorySmita M. Patil 3. Are We Better-Off? Rural Woman, Dry Zone Agriculture and…

Nivedini Vol. 18 Dec 2012
Table of Contents 1. From European Female Surplus to Indian Female Deficit: The Case of France in Comparative Historical PerspectiveAntoinette Fauve-Chamoux 2. 73rd Amendment Act: Empowerment of Rural Women at the Grassroots in IndiaNilma Srivastav 3. Ethnographic Evidence of Women's Knowledge…

Nivedini Vol. 17 Dec 2011
Table of Contents 1. Indian Nationalism, Women's Liberation and Reactionary Masculinity in R. K. Narayan's The Dark Room, The Painter of Signs and The Vendor of SweetsNadine Vanniasinkam 2. The Subjectivation of the Female Body in Some Novels by Assia…

Nivedini Vol. 16 Nov / Dec 2010
Table of Contents 1. Cosmology, Gender and Kinship: Role and Power Relationships of Himalayan Pastoral WOmenSubhadra Mitra Channa 2. Creating Intimate SPaces: Women's Marriage Contracts (Nikahnamas) Among Indian MuslimsRehana Ghadially 3. From Krupabai Satthianadhan to Shashi Deshpande: Mapping the Journey…