
Our research at a glance

Legal Responses to Rape in Sri Lanka
June 17, 2020


Legal Responses to Rape in Sri Lanka

A research project was commissioned by the National Committee on Women (NCW) to  understand  the  reasons  for  the  delays  and  low  conviction  rates  in  rape  prosecutions  in  the Colombo  district  of  Sri  Lanka  as  a  pilot  study  which  would  be …

Bound by Culture – Publication of Research Papers from the South Asia Conference 2017
June 19, 2018


Bound by Culture – Publication of Research Papers from the South Asia Conference 2017

Research papers of writers from India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka who participated at the South AsiaConference 2017 titled 'Cultural Productions from a Gender Perspective' which was held November2017, are currently being reviewed by a panel of experts and collated into…

Mapping out a Profile of Child Protection in Sri Lanka: Questioning Public in the Western Province (2015 – 2016)
October 28, 2016


Mapping out a Profile of Child Protection in Sri Lanka: Questioning Public in the Western Province (2015 – 2016)

This survey was a part of the project titled "Awareness Creation among School Children and Mystery Painting for Abused Children in the Western Province" funded by the Australian High Commission. Focus of the enquiry was divided into 2 main sections:…

Reproductive Health Rights of Plantation Women
July 30, 2015


Reproductive Health Rights of Plantation Women

This research tried to analyze the violation of women's reproductive health rights. Based on interview techniques, this research mainly concentrated on forced sterilization in the plantation sector. The study looked at the lack of providing true and correct information about…

Stories from the Diaspora: Tamil Women’s Writings
July 29, 2015


Stories from the Diaspora: Tamil Women’s Writings

This research explored Tamil women's writings in English and this was new experience for many activists. The inspiration to do this research arose within the writer, seeing the themes that differed from that of Tamil male Diaspora writers. This research…

Women Migrant Workers & Trafficking in Sri Lanka
July 29, 2015


Women Migrant Workers & Trafficking in Sri Lanka

Due to a project implemented by WERC and funded by SAFI/Q in 2006 to advocate for implementation of the SAARC Convention on preventing trafficking of women and children for prostitution, an outcome of conducting a research on migrant women workers occurred.…

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