
Our research at a glance

Patriarchal World View in Hinduism
July 28, 2015


Patriarchal World View in Hinduism

WERC commenced the above research in December 2009 with the support of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA); its scope was to identify gender discriminatory and exploitative practices and rituals in the Hindu ideology in Sri Lanka. This also aimed…

Women’s Movement in Sri Lanka: History, Trends & Trajectories
July 28, 2015


Women’s Movement in Sri Lanka: History, Trends & Trajectories

This research was undertaken by WERC with the aim of providing comprehensive and in-depth information of the existing women's movements. WERC explored all the possible means available in collecting the data which was completed in 2008. The intention was to capture all…

Empowerment of Widows and their Coalitions
June 6, 2015


Empowerment of Widows and their Coalitions

This project is funded by United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN WOMEN), and is simultaneously implemented in India, Nepal and Sri Lanka. The goal of the programme is to enable widows to become agents…

Women Workers in Rubber Plantations
June 6, 2015


Women Workers in Rubber Plantations

The field survey for this study was carried out in 1992 in seven locations in the Kalutara district. The objective of the study was to identify the working conditions and problems of women workers in the rubber plantations. The relative…

Women, Democracy & Development: A Comparison of African & South Asian Cases
June 6, 2015


Women, Democracy & Development: A Comparison of African & South Asian Cases

This research is part of a tri-nation study conducted in Ghana, Canada and Sri Lanka to span Africa and Asia in a single, comparative and collaborative analysis of women’s political agency. The study involved investigation of communal endeavours and local…

A Psychological Study of Blue Collar Female Workers
June 6, 2015


A Psychological Study of Blue Collar Female Workers

Women blue collar workers in Ratmalana and the Free Trade Zone areas are a vulnerable group to stress and its manifestations. The objectives were to provide insight in to the potential stressful conditions and their psychological manifestations experienced by the…


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